Hi! These are my writing papers for my first ever semester in college. This website focus on the writing assignments I have completed throughout this semester for Composition FIQWS 10105, with the help of Professor Pastore. Most importantly the improvement throughout the time, not only in my writing skills but as well as my improvement to finding the proper information and research.
Here in my website, you can see that my essays tittles are at the top column. I have places all my essays done in this class right above. If you would like to see one of them you may my pressing the one you want to see. I prefer you take a look at every single one as for each one shows different of kind of improvement. Also I have made it easier for you to know what the Course Learning Outcomes are, as for I put them at the sides to every page. I briefly show my essay as a image but I have also included a link for you to open up my essay as a PDF. Lastly, I would like to talk about my self-assessment in which is the last piece of writing I did. Please have a look at it to show you what course learning outcomes I have properly learned.